Monday, November 26, 2018

Stop & Think

1-2 students at Red Hill and 2nd graders at Murray have been having some fun with Stop & Think!  They've been hanging out with Wagner the dog the last month or so.  Wagner finds himself in some tough spots when he doesn't stop & think about consequences.  They are teaching Wagner the Stop & Think song and next we'll play a game showing they can think ahead to what could happen. We'll continue to practice Stop & Think strategies with Wagner as we talk about handling frustration, problem-solving, and friendship.

Thursday, November 8, 2018

CARES: Respect

Image result for words are not for hurtingThe theme for November is Respect.  In Kindergarten we're talking about respectful words.  We read Chrysanthemum and every time someone used words that hurt her heart we would wrinkle our paper heart.  Then we discussed how we couldn't completely make it better, even with a lot of sorries! We decided the based way to avoid a wrinkled heart was to choose kind words from the start!

Ks and 1s had some fun comparing the Silly School and the Super School.  In the Silly School words and behaviors were not very respectful, while in the Super School - they were.  We decided it would be hard to learn in a silly school and made our own super school book.

Third graders are beginning to work on respectful problem solving.  We started with understanding our emotional reactions to conflict and thinking about how we approach a problem if we're feeling angry (not an easy task for anyone!)