Friday, March 8, 2019

Growth Mindset

  Third and Fifth graders have been discussing a growth mindset vs. a "fixed" mindset during Core time.   We started with some brain basics.  We learned about neural pathways and synapses.  We even got to play with licorice when we looked at how those neural pathways get stronger and synapses get smaller the more we do something.  And we learned that our brains like challenges!  If things were always easy, our brains would fall asleep instead of growing and getting stronger. And if we never made a mistake, we couldn't learn something new!
      Next we talked about the "Power of Yet."  Adding the word yet, makes a powerful difference in our language and thinking.  Imagine the difference between "This is hard. I can't do it." and This is hard. I can't do it YET." We had fun with all kinds of brain games from word puzzles to picnic patterns as we looked at how our brains learn patterns when we stick with something.
     We also spent time talking about GRIT.  That's the combination of determination and resilience. We looked at strategies that help us push through challenges, like self talk.  And we even measured our grittiness.  We also talked about how everyone is unique and how our own strengths and flaws drive each person's grit in different ways.

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