Friday, March 22, 2019

Exploring Feelings

     So K-1 students are working on Feelings Awareness.  In Kindergarten we'll be focusing on vocabulary. Kids will often choose one of three feelings words to describe their emotions – Happy, Sad, or Mad.  And often, how they really feel is jealous, disappointed, or left out.  We are working hard to develop a vocabulary that helps them really describe what’s going on inside them.  And they love experimenting by using words like clever, blue, curious, irritated, and shocked.

 We will be reading a selection of books that expose them to different feelings vocabulary.  I'll be using the characters from the movie Inside Out to guide us in our discussions and lists.  We’ll also watch some video clips and do some fun activities.   One of the favorite activities I’ll be doing with the K’s later is the music activity where they get to decide how a piece of music feels and then move their bodies to demonstrate the mood.  They have a lot of fun – the budding dancers really get to show off!  And we get to talk about how we tend to move slower, faster, louder, etc. in response to our feelings.  We’ll also do a similar activity with color.
In first grade at Murray and 1-2 at Red Hill, we explore the more difficult feelings – the angry, upset, and fearful ones – we’ll also talk about strategies for dealing with them.   I will stress over and over all feelings are OK (it’s not bad to get angry), but it’s what you do with them that counts.  They love bubble breathing and using our sense of humor to combat new or scary situations.
Next week, we'll explore anger.  We talk about what happens in our brain and watch a video called "Just Breathe."  We discussed the importance of calming down before you try to problem solve. They had fun visualizing a jar of glitter while we practiced breathing, but more importantly they got to see how we all need different time and space to calm down. 


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