Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Ticket to Ride

3rd Graders will be riding the Energy Bus this year!  What's the Energy Bus?  The original Energy Bus is a book by Jon Gordon where the bus is a metaphor for your life and with some simple rules he teaches you how to be in control of your own destiny.    The Energy Bus for Kids is an adaptation we'll be using that shows children how to overcome negativity, bullies and everyday challenges to be their best and share their positive energy with others. Every 2 weeks we will work on one of the 5 rules for achieving your personal best:

Create a Positive Vision     Fuel Your Ride with Positive Energy     No Bullies AllowedLove Your Passengers     Enjoy the Ride
We'll be working on activities with Goal Setting, Growth Mindset, Bullying Prevention and Assertiveness, Bucket Filling & Caring, Respect for Self and Others, and Optimism. The overall message is: YOU are the driver of your bus.  YOU get to decide where it goes.  YOU get to decide who you have along for the ride.  AND YOU make the choices for how to handle the detours along the way.

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