Friday, May 10, 2019

5-6 Transition

It will be hard to believe for many of you but your 5th graders elementary career is coming to an end.  The last quarter holds many emotions for us as we fondly recall how they have grown and bloomed and will take great pride as they make that final walk to accept their certificates and become Middle Schoolers. At the same time we can’t help but be nervous wondering: Will they do OK? Will they make friends? Are they in the right classes?

The students themselves are nervous and excited about what is ahead of them.  As they toured their new school last month they began to think about new freedoms, marvel over all the new club and activity opportunities, and even get excited about new lunch options.  They’ll also worry about lockers, bigger schools, more teachers, and changing friends. 

I absolutely love this time.  I love the palpable excitement in the air.  I love watching them become young adults right in front of our eyes.  I love watching them discover themselves.  The last quarter of Guidance in 5th grade is truly my favorite lessons that I do. Now that they have seen Henley and Walton, we’ll begin talking about all the things that are starting to engage their minds.  We’ll talk about switching classes, learning schedules, getting involved, dressing out for PE, lockers, and friends.

The 2 activities they usually love the most are lock practice and web hunts.  Opening a lock is a universal worry for most 5th graders.  I bring in a set of locks and we will practice until that is one worry they can check off their list.  I also pose a set of questions or information about their new school as a scavenger hunt on the Middle School’s web site.  They get to discover mascots, colors, teacher names, events, and more by browsing for the answers.

I encourage you to ask if you have any questions about your future Middle School.  I and the MS counselors are all happy to help! Here is their contact info:

Henley 434-823-4393
6th Grade counselor: Kimberly Warnick, ext.51093,

Walton 434-977-6533
6th Grade Counselor: Doug Bloor, ext. 54021,

Walton counselors will also be visiting the Red Hill 5th graders, along with Mr. Walton (principal) and some current 6th graders on May 28th.

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