Friday, April 13, 2018

Self Control and Managing Impulsivity

First and Second graders at Red Hill are following the story of Hunter and his Amazing Remote control.  Hunter is an amazing kid but gets frustrated with himself sometimes when he acts impulsively.  He realizes he can control his brain the same way he can choose to turn on or off the TV.  He builds a remote control for his brain to remind him all the ways he can use self-control.  We are taking some time to do activities and discuss each of the buttons and at the end of the year we’ll make our own remote controls!

·         The Channel Changer  button reminds us we can change what’s on our brain

·         The Pause button reminds us to take a minute to think

·         The Rewind button reminds us that we all make mistakes but we can learn from them so we do better next time.

·         The Fast Forward button reminds us to stop and think about what could happen

·         The Slow Motion button reminds us to take our time and be smart

·         The Coach button reminds us to use self-talk to encourage ourselves to do  our best

·         The Zapper button reminds us to zap those negative thoughts

·         The Way to Go button reminds to feel good and be proud of ourselves when we work hard