Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Too Good for Drugs

     4th graders at both schools have just started a unit called Too Good for Drugs (TGFD).  All schools are required to have some sort of Drug Education program.  TGFD is the program that ACPS has adopted for our 4th graders.  This unit covers both Guidance (EP8, EP9, EP10, EP11) and Health (4.2, 4.3) SOLs for 4th grade.
      The goals of this program are 1. to develop some safety skills that help them make smart choices in uncomfortable or tempting situations; and 2. to have some background on what a drug is and why they can be dangerous.

     This can be an uncomfortable topic for both parents and students (giggling not uncommon).  I try hard to make the lessons engaging and enjoyable without undermining the seriousness of the topic. Here is an outline of the lessons and some notes on my "spin" on them.  I invite you to contact me at ANY time if you are unclear or unsure about any of these lessons.
  1. Goal setting (having goals and things that matter to you give you reasons to make good choices)
  2. Goal boosters/busters (make good choices about who you choose to spend time with)
  3. I-messages (problem solving conversation starters good for ALL situations)
  4. Peer Pressure (what it is - why is effective and then 6 strategies to stand up to it)
  5.  Tobacco
  6. Over the Counter Medicines & Prescriptions (I focus on safety rules for using them)
  7. Alcohol
  8. Marijuana/Cocaine ( I don't always get to these and when I do I don't spend a great deal of time on the specifics of each as I do more talking about how there are some drugs that are illegal)