Monday, August 24, 2015

What Does a School Counselor Do?

So the first 2 weeks every year my time in the classrooms is spent reviewing who I am and what I do in the building.  I have several kid-given titles including the Guidance teacher, the lady that reads us stories, the lady that teaches us about friends and tells us not to bully, the helper person, the one you talk to, and my personal favorite: Our Friend.

In a nutshell, I want the kids to know that, as their School Counselor, I:
... am there to help support them to be the best learner they can be
... am there to help them solve problems that may come up during the year (Peer Conflicts, Study Skill difficulties, Emotional concerns that might be occupying their mind)
... will visit their classroom a couple times a month to teach life skills that help us all
...can work with kids individually or in small groups
...will keep their business private unless someone is getting hurt or I have permission to share

Presenting this information looks different in all the grades, but I aim to keep it fun.  For many kids they've heard it before and its also my first impression every year.
Kindergarteners at Murray will hear it for the first time so we'll play some name games to help me learn who they are and then I'll share a coloring book story with them.  The story is aimed to help them understand the difference between a teacher and a counselor (a new idea for sure).  We'll discuss it together and then I'll ask them to share it with the adults at home.  2nd graders will get an older version of the coloring book.
K/1 students at Red Hill and 1st graders at Murray will meet Ms. Potato Head Counselor.  As we put her together we discuss how each part of her is also part of my job: Eyes: Keeping my eyes on them, Feet: walking to their classroom, Taped Mouth: Keeping their privacy, Ears: Listening to what they need to tell me, Purse: Using my bag of tricks to help them learn new skills, Phone: to talk to parents and teachers, Book: To read them awesome stories.
2/3 students at Red Hill and 3rd graders at Murray will get to play Who Wants to Be the Counselor's Millionaire? and 4th and 5th graders at both schools will get to play Counselor Jeopardy.
Whatever they call me is fine, as long as they feel like they can trust me and they know I am there to help, then we're good to go!